This blog post is copy of an old notes how to update Linux kernel on my Banana Pi M1+ which is still running Bananian. It’s rather obsolete now, since Bananian went EOL last year and it’s recommended to switch to Armbian.

Get kernel sources

Download archive with kernel sources or clone repository somewhere. Make symlink /usr/src/linux to the directory with kernel sources:

ln -sfn $DIR /usr/src/linux

Get config

To build functional kernel it’s good to start from some working configuration.

Depending on your kernel, you can find current configuration in /proc/config or /proc/config.gz. If there are no such files, try to execute modprobe configs and if you get no error message, configuration file should appear in /proc.

You can also check /boot or mount boot partition /dev/mmcblk0p1. Otherwise check internet (, GitHub,…)


Copy configuration file it to /usr/src/linux/.config

Run make menuconfig and change whatever you need.

When you are satisfied with the result, execute following steps.

make LOADADDR=0x40008000 all
make module_install firmware_install

mkdir -p /mnt/p1
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/p1

cp -v /usr/src/linux/arch/arm/boot/uImage /mnt/p1/uImage-next

umount /mnt/p1

Please note, that by default the boot partition is really small, so probably there will not be even place to backup original kernel file.

Final note: to verify that you have correct format of image, you can check it with file. You should see something like this:

root@banan:/mnt/p1# file uImage uImage-next

uImage:      u-boot legacy uImage, Linux-3.4.113-bananian, Linux/ARM, OS Kernel Image (Not compressed), 4810944 bytes, Sat May  6 14:21:43 2017, Load Address: 0x40008000, Entry Point: 0x40008000, Header CRC: 0x9A836903, Data CRC: 0x5A1B6361
uImage-next: u-boot legacy uImage, Linux-4.12.0-b2, Linux/ARM, OS Kernel Image (Not compressed), 6060512 bytes, Mon Oct  2 13:07:08 2017, Load Address: 0x40008000, Entry Point: 0x40008000, Header CRC: 0xFCD22857, Data CRC: 0x5DD28C3B