If you haven’t done upgrade of Ubuntu system for some time and you may find outthat automatic upgrade from older release is not supported.

Upgrade Tool

At first it’s not very clear how to proceed, without backuping and reinstalling whole system. Fortunately there are some guides at AskUbuntu.

You have to perform upgrade step by step. For each release there is an upgrade tool. I started with Mantic and was lucky that upgrade from Mantic Minotaur still works. In future next step would be to continue with upgrade to Noble.

If the link to upgrade tool doesn’t work you can try changing server to one of these:

  • http://archive.ubuntu.com
  • http://archive.ubuntu.com

Also changelog should contain correct links to the Upgrade Tool.

APT repositories

Tweaking of hosting server mentioned abouve might be also needed for apt repositories. If you get 404 error when downloading packages, try to add repo from archive or old-releases.

File to update is /etc/apt/sources.list.